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Introduction A Dented Badge Tales From The Street

Introduction A Dented Badge Tales From The Street

Introduction A Dented Badge Tales From The Street

To replace the badge, it is useful to know how it attaches They mostly fit in one of two ways. The vast majority of them have two prongs on the back. One is at the 3 o’clock position and the other is at the 9 o’clock position. These prongs simply push into two plastic grommets that are themselves pushed into holes in the bonnet or boot.

Where your boot or tailgate badge is the type that moves to expose the lock, the fishing line and the card need to be inserted between the badge and the surface of the sliding lock cover.

Once the card is in position, use firm force to lever the badge away from the bonnet or boot. Continue this at different positions around the badge but always as close to the two prongs as possible. The badge will gradually lift with each application of the card until it is far enough away from the surface for you to grip hold of with your finger tips and pull off.

If your badge does have adhesive, it is advisable to break the adhesion before trying to remove the badge. The easiest way to do this is by using some strong nylon fishing line. Taking a length of line, wrap the ends around each of your hands so as to get a good grip. Ensure that you leave about 15 cm (6inches) in between which you can pull tight. With the line pulled tight and moving it from side to side, try to get the line to slide down between the badge and the surface of the boot or the bonnet. You may have to locate the place where the badge is not such a close fit to do this.

The Clear Vinyl badge Holder with Zipper – Vertical also hangs vertically. This badge can house credit card size ID badges. The badge is inserted from the top and then is completely enclosed when zipped shut. When closed, the red horizontal zipper at the top prevents the ID badge from being exposed to moisture and dirt. The Clear Vinyl Badge Holder with Zipper – Horizontal can keep your badge secure and dry. The high quality vinyl can resist dents and scratches. As with the vertical version, this badge features a zipper at the top for added protection.